Current Concerns: October 30th, 2023




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    carlos v

    Hey undead i am new to the page i have questions will there be a big update soon that will add new contact new weapons new leadership or like Rain snow on the game.

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    Undead Social Media Manager

    Lil Johnny Boy We recommend that you reset the map. We apologize for the inconvenience!

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    Lil Johnny Boy

    Ok will do and thank you for getting back to me!

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    Stephen Arnett

    I cannot unbind a community member I have Mitch 1 of the Red Talon People & I don't want to lose him but there's no unbind option for the legacy pool

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    Рома В Кубе

    1.Please reduce the amount of influence that is given for playing in online mode with players on maps of lower difficulty than mine (deadly).
    2. Please fix the problem with the maximum influence amount being 9999.
    3. On the Trumbull Valley map, quests that are related to HAVEN and Mickey Wilkerson do not work again, you simply are not given quest items!
    4. If there is such an opportunity, then many would like a Remake of part 1 of sod, as well as new maps for SOD2, which can be bought as an addition to the game.

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    Lil Johnny Boy

    I started a new game and everything was going great and then I missed a mission to pick up a member of the alcoholics or something like that and now I’m not getting any new missions?? Please help

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