Current Concerns: February 29th, 2024



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    Bill Russell

    Hello to the world's greatest devs!

    I've occasionally had an issue which will cause a crash and may be the cause of other issus; I'm just relating it in case it's helpful.

    For some reason the game can try to save and communicate cross platform. As you stated when the juggernaut edition came out you cannot use survivors in your pool from another platform [Steam, Epic, MSstore] when this happens you can go into administrative events and see a Distributed Com issue error. I am only using the Steam version but I recently had it happen where the game was trying probably to save to the MSstore version, I don't know what causes this but if it happens the game will lock solid. Some time ago I found that one of the community members was "tainted" with this issue and I fixed it by deleting the affected community member. So I'm not asking for a fix or anything but I thought maybe you'd be interested in hearing about this.

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