Zombie-Killed Locations - More realistic zombie respawn
Pinned CompletedActually, the problem in my opinion in the following.
If I kill zombies in a location, for example, a street or the meadow next to the farmhouse, the location will not be safe for another zombie respawn. That is really annoying because the high zombie respawns destroyed every time my newly repaired car. Also, I ask me very often 'Where came these zombies from? I cleared this location for one minute ago...'
I wish that the place where all zombies were killed within a certain radius will be declared as a safe zone for x minutes. That would make looting more easier and the respawn of the zombies more believable.
So it will be possible to clear an area around your base or your neighbors, to have a safe zone for x Minutes.
- This will reduce annoying neighbor help requests. So, it is your task to take care of a safer place.
- If you do nothing, more and more hordes or freaks will be staying at this location until the player clears the investing spot.
- This would also increase the traveling speed because the player would not be stopped by freaks or hordes of zombies. (If the location is safe)
- Every location, independently of houses or searching places, could be made safe. E.g. streets, fields, meadows or forests.