Lighting Fix - New Light bakes for all maps to address the incorrect lighting issues.
Curveball Settings Fix - Fixed incorrect messaging when applying the Curveball settings.
Curveball Settings UI Fix - Fixed an issue in which input was being registered on the Curveball page whilst using a controller on the Curveball settings popup.
Curveball Settings UI Fix - Addressed a UI issue in which the ‘Unsaved Changes’ popup in the Curveball settings menu would rapidly appear and disappear.
Curveball Settings Localization Fix - Fixed an issue in which the Curveball Settings menu didn’t reflect the system language settings.
Juggernaut Melee Damage Fix - Fixed an issue in which the Juggernauts were not taking any damage from melee weapons.
CRASH Fix - Fixed an issue in which the title would crash during the tethering loading screen whilst driving a vehicle with a follower or friend in multiplayer.
CRASH Fix - Fixed a crash caused by the Curveball system.
Red Cross Blood Donor Mission Fix - Fixed an issue in which the Blood Donor arc would fail to progress to Mission 4 for some players.
NOTE: Please be aware that Blood Donor missions may fail to appear or be completed if your community or current campaign enclaves are at their maximum population cap determined by the game. If they haven't arrived, restarting the map can increase the chances of the Blood Donor enclave appearing.
Red Cross Blood Donor Mission Fix - Fixed an issue in which a mission could not be completed after breaking open the medical rucksacks.
Audio Improvements - The Bangernomics curveball has improved audio for the ignition start time and low fuel modifiers.
Localization Fixes - Addressed a number of issues surrounding text not updating to match the system language settings.
I could reinsert the option to play with or without the Unexpected Twist. When I play with this option active, it crashes a lot on my Xbox One S, when it doesn't crash, with these latest updates I'm forced to play with it and I'm not even playing.
Update 37.2 help a little with the frequency of bugs but introduced various other issues that weren't there before.
I had a survivor die and took a break, then came back to the location of their downfall with no body to be found. Marker was on the map. their belongings were not transfered to the locker automatically as I got close as per Update 37 normal behavior, but I could "hear" the UI sound for when you pass something you can interact with near the marked location ... but nothing is there. the "press key" prompt didn't even appear, just the sound.
The game still crashes to desktop often, except now it can make your cursor disapear and then you can't open any menu of any sort... the game still run in the background meaning you can get attacked and the game still autosave somehow (damage is remember after a reload too!) but you are effectively frozen as none of your input registers.
Another issue that is new now is just... weird stuttering, like the game simply drops a few frame and keeps trucking around and every 5-10 second it can happens again until you reload the game.
honestly, I have lost faith that they can fix this, the programmers over there have NO CLUE of what they are doing and it shows through the ever present JANK that keeps piling up... it bodes really bad for SoD3
They need to fix the fps and give the game a story like year one or carry the story from year one to year two. Make the game scary an add more storms to, bring back lifeline. fix the fps drops on the maps . Add new vehicles an add a walking dead theme .
Has anyone had a problem with bangermonics sometimes it will glitch, and after filling your gas tank to 100% after you drive off a few seconds later, it instantly goes to 0% please fix your game
I could reinsert the option to play with or without the Unexpected Twist. When I play with this option active, it crashes a lot on my Xbox One S, when it doesn't crash, with these latest updates I'm forced to play with it and I'm not even playing.
Well ever since this update 37...
My system is stuck in my supply locker...
Can't even play it....
Update 37.2 help a little with the frequency of bugs but introduced various other issues that weren't there before.
I had a survivor die and took a break, then came back to the location of their downfall with no body to be found. Marker was on the map. their belongings were not transfered to the locker automatically as I got close as per Update 37 normal behavior, but I could "hear" the UI sound for when you pass something you can interact with near the marked location ... but nothing is there. the "press key" prompt didn't even appear, just the sound.
The game still crashes to desktop often, except now it can make your cursor disapear and then you can't open any menu of any sort... the game still run in the background meaning you can get attacked and the game still autosave somehow (damage is remember after a reload too!) but you are effectively frozen as none of your input registers.
Another issue that is new now is just... weird stuttering, like the game simply drops a few frame and keeps trucking around and every 5-10 second it can happens again until you reload the game.
honestly, I have lost faith that they can fix this, the programmers over there have NO CLUE of what they are doing and it shows through the ever present JANK that keeps piling up... it bodes really bad for SoD3
They need to fix the fps and give the game a story like year one or carry the story from year one to year two. Make the game scary an add more storms to, bring back lifeline. fix the fps drops on the maps . Add new vehicles an add a walking dead theme .
There is no in game bug report that I could see.... so I just wanted to noted that the "Military Truck" flickers in and out of existence.
Well I got back from vacation. Still stuck in my Supply Locker... it's almost 3 weeks I haven't played my game...This is bad..
Its need a back story how the hearts started .the zombie virus mutanted
Has anyone had a problem with bangermonics sometimes it will glitch, and after filling your gas tank to 100% after you drive off a few seconds later, it instantly goes to 0% please fix your game
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