Heartland is the first story-based content update for State of Decay 2. It returns to Trumbull Valley, the iconic location presented in the original State of Decay game, revisiting familiar people and places to see how they’ve been changed by the ongoing apocalypse. It is available to all Game Pass subscribers, and can be purchased from the Microsoft Store.
In addition to Heartland, we have also made a following free upgrades to the core State of Decay 2 experience:
- We've expanded the range of actions you can perform in your inventory in different contexts:
- While in a vehicle, you can now drop items and break open rucksacks.
- While looting a container, you can now unequip your weapon or a weapon mod.
- While the supply locker is open, you can now repair or salvage items in your personal inventory.
- While the trade interface is open, you can now unequip items.
- While the vehicle inventory is open, you can now unload weapons and break open rucksacks.
- The "Take 1" action in the Inventory interface can now be used to take the final item in a stack.
- You now hear an error sound when attempting to use an unusable item via the Inventory screen.
Blood Plague
- Curing a survivor's blood plague is now more user-friendly.
- You can now treat survivors who are merely fighting an infection, before they develop full-blown blood plague.
- When you talk to an infected survivor, you have a new "View Treatment Options" action that reveals how long they have left to live.
- After you select that action, the usual "Exile/Euthanize/Administer" options appear, and work as before.
- If you have cure in your inventory, you'll use it to cure them. If you don't, you'll see an option to use cure from their inventory.
- If you decide not to act on their infection, you can back out to the original set of dialogue actions (like "Enlist Follower" and "Switch to this Character").
- A handful of rare crashes, arcane mission blockers, and minor typos are no longer a problem.
- Stabilizing Foam now costs zero meds to use, but you do still need to be at home to use it.
- Hostile icons no longer come randomly unglued from characters' heads.
- Water disturbance effects no longer continue after zombies are killed.
- Bloater Gas in a car is no longer lethal to zombies outside the car.
- Knowing how to fish no longer makes you sad.
Please bring back the barricade option for the first game
Big bug/problem with this patch re "The Plague is Here!" quest
I love the game and when I heard about heartland I was excited for it.
But now I'm just frustrated.
And Quincy
All dead because they didn't want to fight and would rather stand there literally doing nothing as two ferals and 3 screamers lead an army of zeds into the base.
The only ones fighting were my player controlled Helena and the two NPCs. Mind you the only reason Ray didn't die was because of plot armour even tho he was downed twice.
Please fix the incompetent AI, all they've done for me in heartland is walk around ignoring the danger.
More then half the time they won't fight, won't defend themselves, or will run away only to run back bringing more zeds with them.
hey guys.. love the game.. but theirs a glitch on the wall at heartlands base.. zombies can go trough the wall.. also theres a glitch wit the mission when u do the town hall survey.. if you die or start over.. u cant survey the town hall
Hello all, two of my characters got stuck inside the plague wall gauntlet. I looted the area "Army Cache" directly behind the "clocktower building". Behind this building is a basketball hoop with a ladder attached. It isn't accessible if you simply walk up to it, so i thought why not drive my vehicle underneath the hoop. From there I proceeded up the ladder but was unable to move. I switched to my other character I enlisted but they somehow got into a zone of the game I was restricted from (because I haven't destroyed the plague wall yet) I dismissed one of my characters and restarted my game but one of my survivors is stuck inside of the gauntlet. I can walk around and everything but i cant even use plague busters if i wanted because im inside the area already and the outside of the plague wall isn't exposed to me, any help would be appreciated
Here to report a “repair car” bug where, after you finish repairing, the car goes flying like it got hit by a juggernaut.
Here is a link to Twitter of my capture of event: https://twitter.com/thatjohnklein/status/1139394231921868800?s=21
Love State of Decay and the new Heartlands update. I just want to report a bug. During the mission “Retaking Trumbull: Meet the Enemy” if you quite/die during the mission, when you go back to play it you are unable to survey the “Gaunlet Center” (it is already surveyed and won’t trigger the dialogue with the Dr. Hoffman) blocking you from progressing through the mission.
Don't know if this is a bug or human error but it's been around since launch. The Brogan Sport, Rapscallion, and Survey Car vehicle light upgrade to the Hellion states it gets an increase to cargo capacity. But it doesn't increase it at all, the cargo stays at 5. However if you upgrade the Brogan Trekker which has 8 spaces of cargo stock it gets decreased to 5 because for some reason the storage container on the roof is removed. Why was this not corrected?
There's a pretty bad car glitch when repairing your vehicle. Any vehicle I repairs slides sideways and then flys away. It was funny at first but then one of my cars flipped into my base and now it's stuck there upside down. Look at the #stateofdecay2 and there's quite a bit of people having the same problem.
Hey all, I am loving the DLC, though I think I have found a few glitches and I am not sure how to proceed as I cannot progress in the story. So I lost Quincy during a plage wall mission and I thought I would start over. Since then I noticed a couple survivors will not level up some skills.
Keesha will level up all skills except gymnastics, no matter training, or videos at the lounge or running
The pathologist also level up all the way except wits. Last star wont level up no matter trainings, video or scanvenging
The tech lady that showed up on the first playthrough wont spawn anymore. I have been playing for hours and just wont show.
Story missions stop after checking the warehouse for the army guy and I cannot progress to get the upgrade for the lab to take the plage walls anymore.
I restarted the game 3 times and same thing happens. Even reset the game.
Besides that I have also encounter a glitch when you fix the cars they go flying and occationally when running over a zombi its like hitting a bomb and you go flying with the car and leaves it totalled.
I have a glitch with the heartland dlc where I cant advance the story because there is no mission from the captain, and they’ve moved from the house the mission spawned at to a barn and there status is ‘unaware’ I exited the game and the next day when I came back the mission wont appear again, even after a 4 hours of playing, Help please!
I can also vouch for the flying car when repaired glitch.
Also the game is hugely unforgiving with bloaters inflicted damage, but I guess that's something I'll just have to cope with better.
I love the game but I keep getting put off because of the glitches my car blows up after repairing it and ive lost half my team through just not fighting and on doing the plague wall in the town i got surrounded by like 100 zombies juggernauts, bloaters the lot my partner died and I did to even though I took 2 blood plague cures so basically there was 2 chances of survival no chance and no f**king chance. Dosnt matter how good your character is if your surrounded like I was its good bye. Way to hard must be glitch to spawn that many at once. Just no point in playing if these glitches keep on ruining the game!
Everytime I play "The Plague Is Here" or the mission were Captain Logan shows you how to beat the plague wall it takes soooooooo long to reload my gun, and it doesn't matter what gun it is, that either the majority of my team dies, and/or whatever character I'm playing on at the time dies. Every time no matter what. Though the fights are crazy lopsided with three or four of everything freak plague zombie, and a hundred regular plague zombies, which are all at least twice as aggressive as regular zombies and definitely twice as deadly since every hit is give you the plague, being able to fire off more than one clip or load out would be lifesaving. Plus, with that added aggression and extreme numbers, its twice as hard to heal yourself or administer the cure on the fly, or even eat a snack for some quick stamina. Love the new game mode it's the best one yet, love the base and the group you get to put together during the story, but most of them die before you really get to see what them or their facilities really do most of the time.
Bug in the core game:
For some reason, human NPC in enclaves are not appearing, when I go and visit an enclave most of the times they just don’t appear even when the a mission tells the exact location of the human NPC. The mark of the mission which tells the exact location of the human NPC is inside the enclave´s base but the npc of that mark is not where the mark says, is not anywhere.
i generally play co-op and i just started playing the game extensively, so i dont know how long this bug has been an issue. but when playing co-op something occurs to your co-op partner, where he glitches out or something of the like, and gets teleported back to you saying they're too far away when they were standing right next to me. it happens randomly and when entering vehicles especially.
It will be nice nice if y'all make it more easy to switch characters on the fly!😁
Now if we could get some preservation of life updates, like NPCs that will heal themselves when their health gets low, and they have a healthy consumable. Or just the ability to administer health consumables to your survivors like the plague cure.
fix the aplication hang problem please, i want to get the DLC but whats the point if i cant play in the first play, i have a ticket Open for 2 months now and still not progress to fix this issue.
Help I'm not getting any main missions.
I started with the Wilkersons and got to the mission where i go with Mickey to go collect a debt. I sided with Mickey and i haven't gotten a single mission ever since :/ can't recruit either
Retaking Trumbull: meet the enemy- so after surveying the second point dr.hoffman says to do is already "surveyed" and won't allow me to progress the mission this glitch is very disconcerting because the dlc is amazing but this is not allowing me to progress the story which I would like to and now it seems my only choice is to try and start from scratch which I don't even think I want to do. This glitch is very frustrating
Help i can't continue my mission, after meet the enemy captain, it freeze,hang and game quit itself. Restart and load the game after 3 minutes, it freeze, hang again and game quit itself again.
the mission of the plane has a bug. In heartland
I was playing yesterday with a couple of friends this mission. It was already finished but on the way to the base, the game took my friends from my community and the mission of the plane was restarted. But the captain asks me to launch the Plague Neutralizers. The only bad thing is that there is no such plague anymore. Therefore I can not continue.
When I call the doctor for bloaters glands to harvest and the three bloaters spawn, when I get to their location they're all stacked on top of each other or so close together I can only get one before the rest explode, if I can.get any of them. It wouldn't be so bad if the bloaters didn't become so hard to find when your just exploring after you can harvest the gland out of them.
Is it just me? Or is it MORE difficult to keep your characters alive? The home base attacks are ridiculous! On 3 occasions (attacks were within minutes from each other) I had 3 juggernauts, 2 ferals and about 40 zombies in each attack, how are you to survive that with 3 survivors at base whom do nothing to protect themselves and then end up dead?! I've restarted the game 4 times and played a lil different each time! And still...one home base attack after another and I lose my community! The game has become unforgiving and mostly...no fun at all!!
First of all After the Quest The Plague is here in heartlands I tried to repair my brogan trekker After it was over cause it had a door torn off and when i finished it It Slide off to the right into a shipping crate and Exploded and When I tried to again after it stopped being on fire Its did it again and nearly killed malik as it had launched him in the air.
Love playing this Single player, and so does my partner. Just wish you guys could add local split/shared screen so we could play togther sofa style!
Can't wait until you guys bring back sweep kick, roundhouse kick, andthe double kill counter.😁
I think saves should be like SOD 1. at least for single player. Where if you quit half Way through a mission it would return to the start of the mission. Even if you died. Love the story of hart land but I'm sick of starting over because of the the main characters died. And it happens a lot. Bam 20 hours of game gone with nothing to show for it.
Don't know if this will be seen, but I was on an adventure to find isaac for vic. Upon arrival a feral was attacking isaac and subsequently killed him before I could really do anything. It said I needed to tell vic, but I couldnt and he just kind of vanished. So now that I'm at the gauntlet, I have no way of making the bombs necessary for it. Sad day.
Survivors dying all the time!!! I finished Nightmare without much trouble but the default difficulty for Heartland is absurd. Why is there no difficulty options? I cannot enjoy this frustrating game at all. Not fun to play what so ever.
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