This is a quick hotfix to address some late-discovered issues in the wake of the Plague Territory update:
Your cursor now defaults to the rucksack slot, as intended, when you open a vehicle trunk while carrying a rucksack.
Sites that are infested or within Plague Territory now display their remaining containers in the Site HUD in the upper-left corner of the screen.
We fixed a bug that was preventing the aiming reticle from settling down to its default size after widening from continuous recoil.
We fixed a weird animation bug that would cause your weapon’s magazine to float and hover around your survivor’s body.
Interactions with other characters and objects are no longer accidentally permitted while aiming a weapon.
You can now equip a weapon mod directly from a trader’s inventory without soft-locking the game.
The “Builder: Safe at Home” mission can now be satisfied by converting a Farm to a new type of crop.
We fixed a crash that could occur in some cases when attempting to join a multiplayer game.
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